How Psychographics Marketing Can Give You A Competitive Advantage

How Psychographics Marketing Can Give You A Competitive Advantage

Do you really think it’s helpful to know who your customers are?

At least, that’s what I’m hoping. If not, it’s just conjecture. Knowing your customers on a personal level—their names, addresses, likes, and dislikes—will greatly improve your ability to close sales.

There are active as well as passive ways to gather information about your target market. Typically, market researchers would gather demographic and psychographic information on their target audience.

It’s common practice to disregard psychographics. But they could turn out to be really useful in the end.

What Does Psychographics Exactly Mean?

At its core, psychographics is the effort to express abstract psychological qualities in concrete language that may be useful for anything from advertising to public policy.

Psychographics is “a qualitative technique used to characterize human traits based on psychological qualities,” to be exact.

Researchers and marketers often use a synthesis of qualitative methods (such as a customer survey mixed with behavioral data) to classify people according to their “personality, values, beliefs, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.”

What Sets Psychographics Distinct From Demographics?

Demographics are a collection of facts and figures about a population, such as its age, race, gender, and income. In contrast to traditional demographics, psychographics analyses a target market based on their personality traits and areas of interest.

To determine how to best reach their intended consumers, marketers collect and analyze both demographic and psychographic information. Psychographic segmentation takes into account a variety of variables, including the following –

  • How does this individual typically spend their time? Which friends do they have? If they have any downtime, how do they spend it?
  • What are their distinguishing characteristics? Is one of them more reserved than the other?
  • How strong is their sense of right and wrong? To what extent do their enduring strengths lie in the following?
  • What do they do for fun and recreation? In what ways do they spend their free time? Tell me about their typical media intake.


Psychographics In Marketing

Psychographics can help you find out what people think and feel, and use that information to shape your messages. People aren’t fond of being sold things. Customers want to feel heard before being instructed on how to use a product that will make their lives easier.

Psychographic marketing is learning about consumers’ beliefs and preferences so that you may tailor your messaging to them. There are three distinct categories of psychographic factors: Personality traits include introversion, extroversion, openness to new experiences, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability.

  • Position in society in terms of wealth
  • Clients may be sorted into groups based on their personalities so that specific messages can be sent to them.
  • Consumer insight is the cornerstone of marketing psychographics.

By dividing your audience into subgroups according to their interests and character traits, you can send them more personalized content. That is to say, it allows you to communicate with the right person at the right time with the right message.

Emails, rather than social media postings, may be more effective at reaching introverts. In general, they like to be left alone and out of the spotlight. You may target more introverted customers by adapting your language and marketing channels to their preferences.

One alternative is to divide people apart according to their way of living. Some examples include identifying consumers with an interest in health and fitness and contacting them with information on how your product might assist them in accomplishing their fitness goals.

Wrapping Up –

Marketers trying to get a deeper knowledge of their target demographics may find psychographics to be an extremely interesting and fruitful area of study. While it may be difficult to combine more subjective psychographic data with traditional factual marketing statistics, the potential advantages make it worthwhile to examine.


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