If you find the basic concept of keywords perplexing enough, let us take you to a whole new dimension of this term; Keyword Match Type.
You’re probably already confused. But hey, keep your pecker up. We’re here to guide you through the game of keywords and the concept of keyword match type for successful ad campaigns on Amazon.
Table of Content:
- Amazon Keywords
- Keyword Match Type
- Broad Match
- Phrase Match
- Exact Match
- Conclusion
Have you ever taken a step back and realized; is Amazon a search engine?
Well yes, but no. While the algorithm to search on Amazon displays relevance to that of Google or Facebook Amazon is a platform to sell
And that is exactly what they want you to do; sell.
Read More: 5 Lessons To Learn From Amazon’s Success
The algorithm of Amazon, (let’s just call it A9 because that’s basically the name for it) allows the sellers to get their products or brands to feature at the top of the charts every time a customer searches for a similar product.
But don’t expect your top position to be a gift from Amazon just because you’ve been a good seller. It requires a set of skills and strategies to achieve top numbers using Keywords.
So what are Amazon Keywords?
Amazon Keywords:
The key to selling on Amazon is to be visible among the customers. The better the visibility, the more clicks you’re bound to have. The more clicks the more conversions.
Okay before we get carried away with “the more” statements, let us begin from the start; Baby steps.
Keywords are crucial for advertising on Amazon. You must use the keywords to direct the customers where you are.
If you’re hungry and fancy a burger, you would look for a place that has the word “burger” written over it. You wouldn’t enter a Chinese restaurant expecting a burger, right?
Keywords for customers work similarly.
Let us take the keyword “Leather Wallet” for instance. You would need to use this word if you’re selling a wallet that happens to be made of leather.
So anyone that fancies a leather wallet, puts in your keyword in the search bar, and voila! Your ad pops up. You get a click and hopefully, you get a sale.
Here’s a magical piece of advice from us; Always use the right keywords in your title and the most important keywords at the start of your title. That’s what people read.
Now that the issue of Keywords is put to bed, let us introduce you to another opportunity that Amazon lets you have to become visible.
After choosing the keyword, you will be allowed to decide whether your keyword is a “broad” match, a “phrase match” or an “exact match”.
Don’t look so confused. We’re not letting you go halfway through this blog. We’re getting this done right to the end.
So here is how the Amazon Keyword Match Type operates
Keyword Match Type Explained:
The keywords in Amazon advertising allow you to fine-tune the reach of your ad according to the related customer searches.
Targeted keywords further offer you to choose whether it is a part of a broad search, a phrase search, or an exact search – each with its value and benefits.
Broad Match:
Broad keyword match type allows the search engine of Amazon to display your ad to the customers on a broad basis.

Basically what it means is that your keyword will share relevance to the searches of similar types, including synonyms and misspellings.
Confused? Fine! Here’s an example:
Let us take our example of a leather wallet once again, where your keyword is “Leather Wallet”.
By using a broad keyword match type feature, your ad would appear for the following searches.
- Leather Wallet (of course),
- Small Leather Wallet
- Leather Wallet Red
- Leather Small Wallet
The Advantage of this type of ad campaign is that you can observe how the searches that vary from your Keyword would still make your ad appear. So your ad is available to a maximum audience.
The Disadvantage however is that your ad could be available to a large number of searchers who are not exactly there for a leather wallet.
So you’re going to end up paying Amazon a fee with a minimum rate of conversion.
However, you can extract valuable information from the broad keyword match type valuable information on what potential customers are searching for.
Phrase Match:
With phrase match, you enter the ways where you begin to narrow down your target search using specific phrases. In this format, the phrase remains intact for the search
So, the searches that have an additional word in between your key phrase get eliminated while words before and after the phrase integrate your ad.
Here’s how it works!
Our Keyword is still “Leather Wallet”. Here are the relevant searches that your ad may target:
- Leather Wallet (again, of course)
- Small Leather Wallet
- Leather Wallet Red
Here are the searches that your ad will be invisible to:
- Leather Red Wallet
- Leather Small Wallet
You can see how words that are interrupting the keyphrase make it disappear for the search.
The Advantage of this type of ad is that you eliminate the customers that are not actually there for an exact “leather wallet”. Hence you lower the rate of clicks that will go without making a purchase.
The Disadvantage however is that your ad would still appear for the people that use conventional search terms without the intention of making a purchase.
Phrase keyword match type has the right subtlety and flexibility to reach more customers, increasing CTR and conversion rate for your advertisement.
Exact Match:
Have you realized by now how every type is narrowing down your audience towards your product? Then you’re one smart cookie.
The exact Keyword Match type is as precise as it gets. By using this type, you limit the searches to the exact location of your ad.
This type of ad is crucial for attracting the traffic that is looking for exactly the thing you have to offer.
Let’s do this with an example as well.
What is your keyword? That’s right; Leather Wallet.
The customers that search “Leather Wallet” are the only ones to land at your ad. Additional words and phrases will make your ad invisible to the users.
Here are the searches that will NOT make your ad appear:
- Small Leather Wallet
- Leather Wallet Red
- Leather Red Wallet
- Leather Small Wallet
The Advantage of this type is that the traffic that does turn up on your ad is authentic and is in actual need of a leather wallet. So your conversion rate is almost at its fullest.
The disadvantage is that since you get traffic so less you don’t get to learn about more the customers are looking so your ad remains pseudo-centric.
Finding the right keywords could be a tough nut to crack. So, patience is the factor that leads the way for a successful ad campaign on Amazon.
Furthermore, every type of keyword match type has its value for a successful campaign. With broad matches, you can determine what the crowd is looking for.
Once you know the point of attraction for your customers, the Exact Match type could come to play to target the right traffic, right towards your advertisement.
So there you have it. Everything there is to know about the Keyword Match Type for a successful Amazon ad campaign.
Wait, not everything. There’s always more to learn and we at Dymaxtech have plenty to share. Get in contact with us so our Amazon experts could help you decipher the complexities of Amazon and guide you towards e-commerce success.