5 Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out to Ensure Employer Response

5 Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out to Ensure Employer Response

Are you looking for ways to make your resume stand out? Well then, you’ve landed just at the right place.

Did you know that, according to a study, an average employer takes just 7 seconds to read and assess your CV before making a decision?

The window for you to make an impression is that narrow.

How to make your resume stand out

But we’ll make the most of it. Here’s how:

1) Tailor your Resume:
Before sending out your CV to a particular company for a particular job position, it is always the right idea to tailor your resume in accordance.

Not everyone has a likeness to the same content; and by proper research, you could figure out what the employers are longing to see in their ideal resume.

Here is what you should be looking to do:
– Look for the skills required for the job position and place them at the top of your resume.
– Reiterate the attribute of your personality that is required for the ideal candidate.
– Show maximum relevance between your experience and the job description mentioned in the post.

2) Keep it Professional:
The one thing that you need to focus on the most is professionalism.

Nothing beats the subtlety and simplicity of something that is up for display.

Plus, your resume is your ownself on paper. The first and foremost impression from your resume should speak of your professionalism.

You could ensure this by using job appropriate templates.

Yes, and this may not even be a secret anymore. There are numerous amounts of templates available for free out there, each made specifically for one profession.

Use one of those and you’re already on your way to make your resume stand out among the rest.

3) Choose the Right Font:
This is one of the questions that is very frequently asked by students, particularly those who are just starting to penetrate the professional world.

What font is the best to use?

Although many old and modern fonts are attractive and get the job done;

You should be looking to use New Times Roman for your resume.

This font has proved to have a professional essence while being easy to read.

Use a font size of 11 or 12 and your resume should be dazzling with class.

4) Ensure Proper Sequence:
Now let us go back to what we told you at the beginning: the 7-second window.

This is the minute amount of time that you need to make use of to woo the reader.

The sequence of your content is crucial to make your resume stand out.

Yes, education and work experience are important, but they cannot go to the top.

You need to start by laying down your objectives, or in other words: the company objectives.

Adjust your best skills and personality traits.

Now comes your educational attainment and work experience.

Hobbies and aspirations go in the last.

5) Include Testimonies:
Everything that you have written in your resume is just numbers and letters, with no evidence to back it up.

Testimonies from your previous employers, co-workers, or your boss help in clarifying your stature as a team player.

Plus, testimonies are a witty escape from paragraphs and bullet points of continuous self-boasting; and put the limelight on your career from the perspective of a third party.

And there you have it. Everything you need to make your resume stand out.

Remember, the charm is embedded within simplicity.

The more simple and easy to digest your resume would be, the more chances there will be for the employers to put it in the “approved” box.

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